Category: Birdsland
湖 The lake
乌云笼罩鸟人国。雨滴落叶面,叶子摇晃的样子好像一只小小的蛙刚刚经过。Above Birdsland were clouds. Raindrops fell on leaves. Leaves tilted as if a tiny frog just passed by.
游泳 Swimming – 1
一位鸟人在泳池里游泳。他喜欢一个人游,不喜欢被超越。One Birdie was swimming in a swimming pool. They prefered to swim alone and didn’t like to be overtaken.
吃饭 Meals – 1
在回转寿司店中,几位鸟人并列散坐在寿司流水线边上。他们来这里庆祝春雨。In a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, a few Birdies sat casually along the sushi train. They were here to celebrate the arrival of April showers.
茶会 Tea parties – 1
鸟人中有不少人认为当下的每一秒之所以成为当下的样子完全出于偶然。Many Birdies believe that it is pure coincidence that makes every moment of the present the moment it is.
梗概 Intro – 1
鸟人是一种脸上长着面具的人。鸟人国是鸟人的主要居住地。The Birdies are a people whose individuals have masks on their faces. Birdsland is the country where most of the Birdies live.