湖 The lake

Above Birdsland were clouds. Raindrops fell on leaves. Leaves tilted as if a tiny frog just passed by.

On the table, flowers were in the vase. A Birdie heard the soft sound of petals dropping on the table top.

The Birdian weather is cool and temperate. Rain arrives silently then gathers in the country’s only river, flowing into the Sacred Lake . The lake sits among valleys as if it were a meteor crater. A few isles float in the lake, on which several peach trees grow. If in a good season, flowers in pink and purple shades would bloom on the trees.

The origin of the lake remains a mystery. One day in the past, the Birdies discovered an unusual magnet field surrounding the lake. Through the efforts of generations of Birdian scientists and engineers, they managed to build a power station in the lakeside woods. This achievement saved Birdsland from the energy crisis.

Before this age, the country relied on the energy generated from wood burning. As the Birdies didn’t have vast forests but needed to remain undiscovered from the rest of the world, they had to lead a low-key life and make the most out of their resources. They avoided deforestation and continuously planted new trees to compensate for their consumption. They saved as much as they could and had cold meals. Today lights sparkle wherever they are needed in the night sky of Birdsland and hot meals are served not only for festivals. Do Birdies still remember the difficult days? Perhaps as a reminder to themselves, the Birdies revere the lake that provides them with their living foundation and call it as the Sacred Lake.

The energy that the Sacred Lake provides surpasses Birdsland’s energy demand. With the extra energy, the Birdies heated their homes, built greenhouses and grew decorative plants. They hosted tea parties and cultural events, established publishing houses and went on journeys. They learnt to embrace the modern age by applying the knowledge they gained from the journeys.

However, the Birdies do not have a way to store a large amount of the energy produced and Birdsland is too remote to supply the energy to other countries. Some foreigners think if they could find an effective energy storage scheme and bring benefits to Birdsland, they would gain a long-term residence permit to live in the country.

While the Birdies are not always sure if it would be a good thing to monetise the energy. The Birdies believe if people discovered that they could develop an energy field around the Sacred Lake like how they develop an oil field elsewhere, the lake would become a resource that people would fight to own. As Birdsland does not have vast armies and powerful weapons to defend itself, energy and profit would then be monopolised by others and the Birdies would lose their homeland and become stateless travellers. They woundn’t be able to sustain their current lifestyle.

They might have been exceptionally fortunate in their existence. They weren’t discovered by the rest of the world during a savage era when they would be seen as brutal strangers who hid in the mountains to avoid labour and taxes. They were known in a civilised age and recognised as an independent country with the autonomy to govern themselves. Their energy supply exceeds their demand and their resources remain secure from external appropriation. While Birdies encountering conflicts and violence during their journeys, life in Birdsland is peaceful.


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